the lab

The HumanTech Innovation Lab is a digital humanitarian initiative focused on displaced persons and issues surrounding the displaced.

We are committed to constructive and inclusive collaboration around refugee issues, migration, asylum and integration. We operate proactively and collaboratively at the intersection of humanitarianism and technology.

In a world struggling with both prosperity and security, society continues to define itself by borders and distrust of “the other”. The results are on the news every hour, it is not working.

Our specific goal is to help facilitate pragmatic direct communication between displaced people, government policy makers, potential host communities and humanitarian initiatives.

Our overarching aim is to be part of delivering a more sustainably secure and prosperous world.

Harnessing the power of the vast humanitarian network already engaged and the power of big data information management, to facilitate pragmatic, proactive support and solutions to the ongoing issues surrounding displaced persons, migration and integration.

The single figure for which we demand action, that drives our work and frames our innovation is: 70.8+ million displaced globally.

70.8+ million potentially productive individuals in limbo.

70.8+ million minds and wills fighting daily to retain hope against all the odds, driven by aspirations to build a better life and trusting that their sacrifices bear testimony to their right to respect.

who we are

We are entirely independent. We carefully select out partnerships in the first instance with suitable refugee-led organisations on the ground; those who know best what their communities need.


We are a group of entirely volunteer like-minded individuals, from around the world and across a variety of sectors and backgrounds, unified in our commitment to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals relevant to the displaced.

In the face of the growing millions of displaced around the world we call for a paradigm shift from the traditional top down humanitarian approaches. Instead we seek to be part of ongoing and systemic innovation, harnessing the power of tech to facilitate collaboration, understanding and mutually beneficial outcomes; across borders, sectors, disciplines and cultures.

what we do

We use our networks and skills to help address a paradigm shift in two ways:

  1. Coordination and development of location relevant iterations of our MyInform platform; and the facilitation of its use by refugee partners, displaced individuals, international humanitarian partners and sponsors.
  2. Collaboration with our refugee partners on the ground in order to establish tailored refugee Access programmes and associated internet powered Access hubs; for life enhancing education, training, direct learning, skills and jobs.

Central to both the MyInform platform and Access programme hubs is their ability to be inclusive, sustainable, transferable and scalable.

What we do, in collaboration with our refugee partners on the ground, can be done anywhere in the world where there are displaced persons or refugees, in country or outside their original homelands.